State pattern in action

Stepan Markakov
2 min readMar 29, 2021

Imagine, we are writing text processor. One of requirements to text processors is to have three fonts:

- font 1: A

- font 2: A

- font 3: A

Ok. We have understood a task. So let’s try to implement this task. One of the implementation would be:

public class TextProcessor{    private Fonts _currentFont;    public void OnKeyUp()    {        if (_currentFont == Fonts.Font_1)            Console.WriteLine("Font_1 is chosen");        else if (_currentFont == Fonts.Font_2)            Console.WriteLine("Font_2 is chosen");        else if (_currentFont == Fonts.Font_3)            Console.WriteLine("Font_3 is chosen");
}public enum Fonts{ Font_1, Font_2, Font_3,}

However, it is really not good implementation. The reasons why it is not good implementation:

- every time we need to modify class TextCanvas to add new Font type

- we can have so many `if else` statements in ` OnKeyUp ()` method after adding new fonts. So this code becomes unmaintainable

- our method becomes bigger and bigger if we add new fonts

So let’s try to implement in another way using State pattern:

Our text processor will look like this:

public class TextProcessor{   public void OnKeyUp(Font myFont)   {       myFont.OnKeyUp();   }}

Our abstract Font class:

public abstract class Font{    public abstract void OnKeyUp();}

and its implementations:

public class Font_1 : Font{    public override void OnKeyUp()    {        Console.WriteLine("Font_1 is chosen");    }}public class Font_2 : Font{    public override void OnKeyUp()    {         Console.WriteLine("Font_2 is chosen");    }}
public class Font_3 : Font
{ public override void OnKeyUp() { Console.WriteLine("Font_3 is chosen"); }}

and then we can call our text processor like this:

 static void Main(string[] args) {      var textProcessor = new TextProcessor();      textProcessor.OnKeyUp(new Model.Fonts.Font_1()); }

It can be seen that this implementation is:

  • cleaner and clearer.
  • now we can add new functionality without editing existing classes
  • moreover, this implementation keeps open closed principle

Open closed principle is a principle which basically says «open for extension, closed for modification». This is one of the SOLID principles.



Stepan Markakov

I am software engineer. I like to learn and like to develop software. I program with C#, SQL and JavaScript